Due to our network development with WCA Agency we can offer a logistics partnership worldwide.

As well as this we also have IATA status so can offer best buying rates to ensure our valued clients have the combination of best freight forwarding options as well as rates.

“Our success is based on our clients growth”

Being part of the WCA allows us to be part of the largest and most powerful network of independent freight forwarders. The WCA has over 11,000 members worldwide, spanning 196 countries – the combined logistics of which we have the ability to tap into as a member far exceeds that of huge freight forwarding companies.

The WCA is a forward thinking agency that continuously adds innovative benefits that in turn we pass through to our clients, plus extensive financial security throughout all members.

Working with UCARGO Pacific due to its partnerships with WCA and IATA status offers security, a vast extension of knowledge to its independent team as well as financial cost savings.